Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for Wii

February 22, 2009

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for Nintendo WiiLego Star Wars: The Complete Saga game for the Nintendo Wii combines all the stories and fun from Lego Star Wars 1 & 2.  Also for the first time you’ll be able to play through all of the Star Wars stories from the duel with Darth Maul on Naboo in Episode I, to the Battle for Endor in Episode IV.

The game has been updated for the next generation consoles and an entirely new game has been built from the ground up for the DS.  New levels in the game mean that you can now take part in Anakin’s Flight in Episode I.  The Wii version enables you to act out all your Jedi fantasies as you wield the Wii-mote as a lightsaber.  The all new arcade mode means you can now challenge a friend and go head to head in battle for Lego Star Wars bragging rights.

It’s the game that never should have worked.  Normal licensed games are usually bad enough but the game of the toy of the film?  Clearly the Force was with developer Traveller’s Tales though because Lego Star Wars I and II were huge critical and commercial hits that showed that not only could licensed games be good but that titles aimed at kids and the family could be just as innovative and entertaining as any other.  Clearly not wishing for any of the new consoles to miss out on the fun this is a compendium of both games with a bunch of new extras thrown in on top.  The combat is simple enough that anyone can play and you never really die, leaving the most complex part of the gameplay the always cleverly designed puzzles.

For this special version of the games extra levels have been added in including the Zam Wessell chase from Attack of the Clones as well as new bonus missions, ten new bounty hunter missions and the ability to play any of the characters in any of the levels.

  • Play through the events of all six Star Wars movies for the first time ever in one videogame
  • Solve puzzles that encourage creative thinking through the use of teamwork and unique building situations
  • New levels, new characters and new features added to the fun
  • New levels further complete the entire Star Wars story
  • New playable characters like Watto, Zam Wessell, Boss Nass and more bring the total count to over 160
  • New features include revamped attacks, special moves and power ups
  • Upgraded Character Customiser includes all Prequel Trilogy characters for the first time
  • Motion based controls for Wii, wield your remote like a lightsaber!

From £14.99 on, buy Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for Nintendo Wii.


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