Inspire Me |

Inspire Me

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Inspire MeI ponder through this life and wander indecisively
Recoils from a distant past infiltrate my sanity
My assassination of serenity is blamed on doubt
No Hero comes to save me despite my constant shout
Where’s my guide to stand behind?
Why have I been left to wander through life blind?

Inspire Me.

Give me direction, show me affection
I’m looking at the endless sky
Pleading for connection
Guide me in, scald my sin
Take me to the very edge so I can hear god’s hymn

Inspire me.

Why do I find fault in every thing I see
The world around me
Why do I feel so alone I question my own destiny
Rescue me
Set me free
Ease my intensity

Inspire me.

I’d feel enlightened to die…
If I could find the right way to take it in my stride.
Inspire me to suicide
Inspire me to live
Either way inspire me for some thing has to give


© Trick-e Lyrics 2008-2009


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