
March 10, 2009

Here’s a list of things to do today:
…Sharpen my blade (check)
…Take my antidepressants (check)
…Kiss then destroy your photographs before a mental image
Of your face tears up my brain (aw…I haven’t done that yet so X)

Life’s a game that’s full of pain

Whose insane
Who me?
Just want to be free
Take control of my own destiny

Whose to say that I’m not right
That life is dark and death is bright

Death fills me with hope
Life fills me with dread
I know that we live on when eventually we’re dead
Death can not be any darker than this!
I step in to a lighter abyss

What’s this ?
I was right!?

No suffer, no famine, even darker here looks bright 🙂

© Trick-e Lyrics 2008-2009


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